Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sydney Siege

This past Monday and Tuesday were horribly tragic for the city of Sydney. While tragedy unfortunately happens everywhere, and quite often (especially being from the US), this event was simply different. The main thing I couldn't get over when I first came to Sydney was how SAFE I felt here. Last summer I traveled through the Mediterranean and constantly felt that I was being targeting for pick pocketing (actually happened in Malta) and that I couldn't trust anyone. Sydney is different. Everyone is seriously so friendly here in the city and I honestly felt I could trust anyone with anything. I don't even feel as safe in the US as I do here which kind of says a lot being that that's my home. Strangers are just genuinely nice to you here.
Monday I had my normal breakfast shift at work. I was doing closing duties when I overheard my manager mention a 'hostage situation'. I then received several texts from my roommate warning me not to walk through downtown on my way home because of a gunman holding hostages in a chocolate cafe. My hotel is located in Darling Harbour which is just outside the city center, but still pretty close. When the managers came and told me and my fellow worker to stop what we were doing and to evacuate, I knew this situation had gotten a lot more serious. We were briefed on the situation at the hotel next door, and were told to lock all the doors to the hotel besides the front, and also to tell guests that if they don't need to leave the hotel that day, then they should stay put. Many workers were worried about how they would get home to their families since they live outside the city and most transportation had been shut down. Having this explained to me at work made me a bit nervous being so far away from home, not having any of my friends or family here, and realizing that this actually was an incredibly serious situation. It was comforting having my boss check in with me about the route I would take to walk back to my apartment being that I live in the city. I called and checked in with both my parents around 11:30 am Sydney time, surprised to find out neither of them had heard of the situation going on. The next few hours that definitely changed though because people kept checking in with me shocked and worried about my safety (thanks y'all). We had the news on for a solid 9 hours straight and didn't move from the living room. While I felt so much safer being in my apartment with my roommate, and that I was a good 8 blocks away, I couldn't stop worrying about the four 'packages' dropped around the city. I live in the city. For all I knew, it could be right around the corner from me.
As I said before, these horrible events aren't that rare in the US. Two years ago almost to the day Sandy Hook happened. I remember everything about that day, being at UD after our finals had finished, spending time with my roommate while campus was deserted. We stayed the whole day in her bed just shocked at the news that was unfolding across the country. And then of course 9/11, but I was only in fourth grade and it was a bit hard to grasp. This situation was different. I've never been so close to a terror crime. The attack could have easily been on one of the places I frequent for my cup of coffee or god forbid a grocery store or mall or something. Bad things happen everywhere. There's honestly no 'safe' place in this world, as sad as that is. Unfortunately bad people are everywhere, no matter how many good people there are, it just takes one messed up person to completely change people's lives for the worst. The news kept talking about how these things don't happen in Australia because they are so far away from everything and are surrounded by water. I could understand exactly what they meant. Just being here the past 6 weeks I have never felt so safe. I relate with the Australian people now. Even though I'm still new to this country, I feel as if this is a personal attack on my people. I've never felt so accepted before in a foreign place, and it's absolutely horrible that this happened here. Walking back from work to my apartment that day, and then walking to my friends apartment later that night, you could just tell the mood of the city was different. The city was eerily deserted. People weren't smiling per the usual, some were crying, others on the phone with loved ones, shops shut early. Everyone's thoughts and minds were on those poor hostages being held in that cafe.
16 hours being held in that cafe with a crazed gunman...could you imagine? The terror would be unreal for even one hour...but 16!? Insane. Absolutely insane. Two lost their lives. It's absolutely horrible and unjust. I still can't believe everything that has unfolded. And how fortunate I am that it wasn't me. I don't believe in luck, but I am very thankful I had my job that morning, keeping me away from the 'wrong place' at the 'wrong time'.
Seeing the memorial of flowers started for all the victims and their families is truly heartwarming. Tragedy brings people together. We are all human at the end of the day, no matter all our differences and where we may come from. Everyone knows heartbreak and we take comfort in having one another to turn to. There really is nothing more we can do now besides appreciating the people in our lives and being as kind hearted as we possibly can to one another. As I watched a street performer yesterday, he explained he doesn't normally do Wednesday shows, but that Sydney really needed a laugh right about now. I teared up along with most people in the crowd. A horrible thing has happened, but we are still here. We are okay, and we will get through this.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Playsuits, Goon, and Lost Phones

I apologize in advance for being all over the place. I posted about a week ago but the time frame jumps around and is a hot mess. My bad. So I’ve officially been in Sydney for almost a month now! It’s so crazy how fast time is already flying by. I love this city so much. My perfect day here is getting out of work and exploring the Darling Harbour and just wandering around in the sun. Or going to Bondi or Coogee beach with new friends. It really is amazing here.
Nights out at Side Bar
This past Thursday was Thanksgiving which was really hard to get through. We did bring an apple pie over to our friends place for a mini-celebration. While I am loving it here and everything, it’s still hard thinking that life back home is going on without me. FOMO to the max. It also doesn’t help that I can’t find/misplaced/lost my American phone…if you’re reading this Dad sorry I’ll call you soon (may want to cancel my service). So now I just have my Australian dinky phone which doesn’t let me imessage or viber or anything. Not to mention I’ve already recharged my data 5 times in less than a month…whoops!

These past couple weeks I’ve been going out a lot more and have been having so much fun! Met even more amazing people as well! Alcohol is crazy expensive here, like $35 for a fifth of Smirnoff and $55 for a fifth of fireball…so I’ve been getting the cheapest possible alcohol. Here their version of Franzia is called Goon. People think its horrible, but at $11 for 5 liters of wine…I am perfectly fine with it. Burnetts has trained me well in cheap alcohol. I introduced my hostel room to the game of fours and OMG they loved it!!! The things people had to do…LOL. Definitely made me think of UD and all our shenanigans.

The hardest part is meeting new friends in the hostel, becoming super close since we’re together basically 24/7, and then them leaving. While some people in the hostel are here with hopes of finding an apartment and a job and settling in Sydney, a ton of people are just here as a stop on their way in their Australian travels. It’s really hard knowing when you meet someone they are a ‘temporary’ friend. I’m getting more used to it though and just trying to appreciate the little amount of time I have with people and to make the most of it.

For work I’ve started taking on more responsibilities and also have began working night functions in addition to my breakfast shifts. Best part about work is that I get free breakfast (chef makes the most amazing mushrooms) and coffee! I’m still sticking to eating sushi practically everyday. Can’t. Get. Enough. Oh and I tried vegemite! You’ve got to spread it with butter on toast though or the vegemite is too overpowering. It was actually fine! Most people dislike it because it's so salty.

People are absolutely fascinated by my accent haha. I mainly have ben hanging out with people from England and surprisingly have a very difficult time understanding what in the world they are saying. I’ve learned that they have a ton of vocabulary words that simply do not exist in the states. And also different names for the same things. Apparently everyone else calls rompers playsuits! How fun!
Things in Australia just make sense. You get paid high wages during the week, and even higher or Saturday and even higher on Sundays because you are giving up your weekend. I personally love working the weekends simply for making that much more money. Bars here have a lockout at 1:30 meaning you can’t get in anywhere after 1:30 (it sucks but it’s smart). They also aren’t afraid to cut you off in the bar and only serve you water (may or not have personal experience lolz). Everything has a purpose and I agree with it all so far. Another example is that the light rail that I take to work was being worked on this weekend so I had to take the replacement bus. Being that they believe we are being inconvenienced by the change from rail to bus, they didn’t charge at all this weekend for transportation! Little things like that just make me love this place.

Amazing friend Sarah from England, miss you!
We get to move into our apartment in a few days on Thursday. I am honestly SO excited. Every time we get a new hostel roommate they are always shocked to find out that all the bags and suitcases on the floor belong to me. I seriously have a mountain of clothes and it just keeps growing. I need a closet ASAP. Lexi and I have the master suite in the apartment, and then there are two doubles. Two late twenties British guys are already living in one double, and the other double is still up for rent. Hoping our roommates are cool and like going out and are fun! I’m also so excited to have a kitchen so I can cook (aka cereal and soup) and not waste money on eating out. I seriously just spent $16 at Mad Mex (Australia’s version of Chipotle) on a burrito, chips, and a drink. Da fuq. The hard thing about moving out of Wake Up is that I’m afraid I won’t meet people. Wake Up makes it so incredibly easy to meet people around my age that have the same mind set as me regarding travelling. Recently I’ve met and hung out with a lot of 30 year olds/ late twenties and they seriously have impressed me so much. They didn’t act too mature to hang with a 22 year old. They were all single and loving life. None were married, had kids, or in a serious relationship. They were focusing on doing what made them happy and that was traveling. It just kind of reassures me that just because I’m doing something different than what most people would do after college, doesn’t mean I’m doing something wrong. People keep telling me how they wish they would have done what I’m doing at my age and not have waited so long. I’m seriously so happy I made this decision. I’m supporting myself and it’s really such a great feeling. Being here pushes me to do things I normally would be too afraid to do back home. Yesterday I managed to find two buses to take to the beach about a half hour away all on my own! Back home I would’ve just driven…I couldn’t imagine trying to figure out the bus situation back home.
View from work at the Darling Harbour
I will hopefully figure out my phone situation soon so that way I can keep in touch with people again (free wifi in apartment starting Thursday THANK GOD). Until then facebook is still the best way to get ahold of me. I know I’ve been bad at updating, but bottom line I’m having so much fun and meeting so many amazing people and LOVE this city. Miss you babesters so much! Please feel free to message me and update me about YOUR life haha I wish everyone could just have a blog for an easy way to stay updated. I promise I’ll post pictures soon too, I’m so behind with everything! Hopefully the next update will be soon after I move into the apartment so I can post pictures! How the f do you close out blog posts..I just keep writing aka rambling.  Trying to resist typing ‘Until Next Time!’ lolz bye babes.

Amazing view for pre-drinks with my girl Lexi

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Making Moves

I honestly have no idea where to begin since the last time I posted. So let's try and organize this sitch.

Summit Apartments! 569 George Street!
Housing: I'm sure I've said it before, but I LOVEEEE the city life (who knew!?)! Nothing makes me happier than just wandering up and down George Street, not knowing a single person, yet somehow being a part of the crowd. I don't know how I got so lucky, but I managed to find an apartment in DOWNTOWN Sydney in my price range! The apartment building is BEAUTIFUL and even has a pool, sauna/spa,  and even a gym (we will see if I ever make it there....)! I am sharing a double room with my friend Lexi who is from Texas (met her here in AUS, but she went through the same program I went through). We went for the master suite so that way we have a bathroom in our bedroom, not to mention it has a shower and a separate tub (who am I, a real person!?). We will be two of six people living in the apartment. We don't know who the others are yet, but fingers crossed they are fun! This is so exciting to finally do something on my own and grown up! We put the deposit down last week and now just have to sign the contract. The only downside is that we can't move in until December. AKA living in hostels for TWO MORE WEEKS. I love meeting all these people from all over the world in these hostels...but I really just want to unpack my several (4) suitcases/bags and buy groceries (aka soup, and cereal).

Hotel Ibis Darling Harbour (on the right)
Work: First day of orientation for work had us travel a good 40 minutes outside of the city by train. Let me just say while I tend to be pretty good with directions and knowing my way around a city, public transport has never been my strong suit. Ended up taking 5 or 6 buses to get there when we really only needed two. At orientation I learned that lolli means candy and bugger means damn it (amongst the other job things of course). I have been working every day all week and I'm so exhausted. Tomorrow will be day 8 in a row. My shifts this past week have been at 5:30 AM so I've been waking up at 3 so I have time to shower, get ready, get coffee, and walk there. I was a little skeptical about walking around 4 AM downtown alone...however SO COOL! This city is seriously so safe (don't worry I'm still being cautious), I was never worried on my walks! It was really interesting seeing the crowd of people out at that time (lots of business men, construction workers, and joggers). Okay so about my work; I'm a food and beverage attendant at Ibis Hotel in Darling Harbour. Darling Harbour is an AMAZING spot in Sydney. You're right on the water, there's tons of parks and restaurants all around it, the casino, mall, aquarium, and IMAX theatre are all right there too, and the best part is it has an amazing view of the Sydney skyline. I am seriously so lucky to work here! Okay so I kind of came in expecting to be a waitress since that's what I have experience in and love doing...however my shifts are for the morning which is the breakfast buffet. So basically I am a glorified busser. To be honest though, this is the hardest job I've ever had. There's over 30 tables and it's always insanely busy and I am the ONLY one on the floor. So I'm in charge of clearing all tables, resetting the tables, and constantly restocking all the food and drinks. I'm hoping it will get better with time but as of right now I honestly am not doing well at all. I just need to stick it out and hope it will get better. Australia is amazing because their minimum wage is incredibly high because they have a no-tip culture. They also believe people should be rewarded for working late nights and weekends and pay you higher when you work then. So basically the pay is incredible and it is absolutely needed if I want to pay rent for my apartment and survive the living costs in Sydney.
Beautiful Bondi Beach

Adventures: Last Saturday I went to Bondi Beach with a group of friends and spent the day relaxing. Bondi Beach was gorgeous and reminded me a lot of the Mediterranean Sea. Last Sunday the girls and I booked a trip that took us to a wildlife park and to the Blue Mountains. At the wildlife park I got to meet koalas and wallabies (they're like baby kangaroos)!! It was amazing they were all just roaming free and would come right up to you!! Blue Mountains is about two hours inland from Sydney and is so pretty! We hiked a bit (I know shocking..exercise), but my favorite part was CLIMBING UP A WATERFALL! Like what...who gets to do that! It was such an amazing feeling afterwards! But then we had to figure out how to come down..and thank god for strangers who weren't alarmed at me grabbing onto them so I wouldn't wipe out down the whole thing. Monday I went to Coogee Beach with some people I had just met, which was so random but also seems to be quite the norm here. Today I went to Bondi Beach again and it was amazing weather. Accidentally fell asleep in the sun and let's just say I need to buy aloe vera and more sunscreen pronto.
Feeding a baby wallaby
Friends at Bondi Beach

Food: I swear to god every day I alternate eating sushi and greek salad. There's a sushi place around the corner from my hostel that sells about half a roll for $2.50!!! It's an amazing deal and it's so cool because the sushi isn't chopped so you eat it like a sandwich! And the soy sauce comes in little fishy containers which are too cute. There is a mall right next to my workplace so I find myself eating there (always ordering a greek salad which is too, too good) and shopping. It's actually painful that I have to go through the mall after work to get to darling harbor..way too tempting!!!

Nightlife: What a dumb topic name. This may shock all of you...but I really have not been drinking!!! Being that my shifts have had me waking up at 3AM I've been going to bed early! I did go out both Saturdays I've been here and they were fun! The first Saturday was after we spent the day at the beach. Our hostel has a bar in it called Side Bar and it's actually really fun! Every Saturday they have a beer pong tournament which I participated in. No one plays the way we do heating up, on fire, swat the ball if they try to bounce it in, grab the ball after your shot before it lands on the ground gets you a free behind the back shot, etc. Finally I played against a guy from California so we could play the real way haha. Didn't win but still had fun (so tacky)! The bar then turned into dancing and my arms definitely came out....for sure scared quite a few people and got some weird looks and odd comments the next day. Whatevs lolz. This past Saturday went to the fireworks in Darling Harbour, then drank with our German friends in the hostel, then back down to Side Bar! Last night I went to a bar around the corner called Scubar with Lexi and friends from Denmark. They actually had crab races and gave away prizes like skydiving and a trip to fraser islands! Everyone picked really clever or funny names for their crabs...mine were named 'Crab' and 'Ralph'. They both lost. Oh and to everyone who told me I'm going to meet my Aussie husband here...hasn't happened yet haha.

Climbed up a waterfall!

Solo Travel: I totally had a breakdown the Sunday before I left. Not excited about it at all and just basically freaked out. Monday I became neutral and shut off all emotions. Tuesday I was happy and ready! I surprisingly didn't cry at all this time at the airport (unlike last summer before Semester at Sea). Haven't cried once since being here. I like that I'm doing my own thing. It's something different. This really is an amazing experience and I am so happy I'm doing this. It has been tough being so out of touch with everyone and of course major fomo. Time difference makes it nearly impossible to talk to people who I consider to be my best friends. I have no idea what is going on in anyone's life and no one really knows what's going on here. There's a huge barrier between my old life and this new life and I don't know how I feel about it. The major issue besides from time difference is wifi. PAYING FOR WIFI SUCKS. I've already spent at least $50 to get wifi in my hostels. Not to mention, I already used up all my data on my Australian phone. It's Day 13 and it was suppose to last a month...whoops! I blame it all on SnapChat lolzies. Anyways though, I hate being out of touch with my friends since they are the world to me, but at the same time, if I've learned anything this summer in my 6 weeks of non-stop trips, is that no matter how long you go without seeing someone, if you were close then it's like nothing changes when you do see them. Everything's going to pick right back up when I eventually do come home. Okay so solo travel. I LOVE IT. While I never had a problem going to a movie theatre by myself or reading my kindle in a chipotle alone, this kind of independence is totally different. I've spent several afternoons just wandering the city completely by myself, and it's a great feeling. I've learned how to get around on my own, have discovered some amazing parks, tanning spots, and gelato, and have really learned to like being alone. This being said, I still do find myself wishing my besties could be here with me so I could show them this amazing city. Seriously guys, come visit me. It's been around 80 degrees and sunny everyday, and it's only getting closer to their summer season.

Hiking in the Blue Mountains!

 I feel like I'm really growing up here. I have a job, am leasing my first apartment, have an Australian bank account and phone/monthly plan, a bus/train card, and am just being on my own in a new city! I seriously love Sydney...everyday something new surprises me and makes me so grateful I am here. I am probably forgetting a lot per the usual but at least this is something. I apologize for it being so long as well...the girls trying to nap in my hostel room must want to kill me after all this pounding on the keyboard.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Arrived in the Land Down Under

Well hellooooo from the other side of the world!!! Where to even begin? Departed Tuesday and arrived on Thursday...never spent Wednesday on the ground haha! The plane rides weren't as bad as what I was expecting; I actually got 3 meals and was able to watch 3 free movies!

Managed the Sydney airport by myself as well! And by that I mean I somehow was able to push/pull/shove/drag my suitcases without causing a scene.

I'm staying at the hostel called WakeUp! which is actually QUITE a nice hostel compared to some of the ones I stayed in in Europe. Everyone here is very friendly and I lucked out with my room! I'm with five other girls, all from different countries! They are from Italy, Canada, Austria, Sweden, and Germany! I also met a girl from Texas who went through the same program as me and is working at the hotel next to mine, which is super nice having someone going through all the same experiences!
Yesterday I bought an australian phone and plan (if you wanna try texting me, my aussie phone number is +61 0468 960 635) and set up an australian bank account. Today I went to a RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) class for 6 hours to get certified for my job and bought a bus pass so I can get around town! Walked probably 8-10 miles today around the city, which I didn't even mind because it was so exciting! Also went and saw the Darling Harbour and my hotel that I will be working at! It's BEAUTIFUL!

The hardest part so far would definitely have to be the time difference...I'm 16 hours ahead of east coast and 19 hours ahead of west coast...making communicating very difficult (not to mention the lack of wi-fi / australian data charges). While I definitely had "WHAT AM I DOING" thoughts on the plane ride over the Pacific, and I still am questioning whether I am actually in Sydney or not....I do love it. This city is BEAUTIFUL. It reminds me a lot of New York City or Chicago. It's just so NICE. It's got the big city feel but with very friendly people. The buildings are beautiful as well. Not to mention the Darling Harbour where I AM WORKING. I seriously don't know how I got a job in such a breathtaking place.

All I really want right now is just to lock down my housing. I have been messaging people like crazy trying to make apartment inspection appointments, but haven't heard back from too many people. I'm just eager to get situated so I don't have to live out of suitcases anymore!
Other random things....everything here is SUPER expensive...there's a mall every block it seems....everyone cringes when they learn I'm from Detroit and then proceed to ask me how scary it is (which led me to tell some people I'm from Ohio)....I had a sushi roll last night that was whole, like not chopped up! You eat it with your hands like a sandwich! And my favorite thing about being here is how people are from ALL OVER THE WORLD. I've met people from so many different countries and have already learned so much! And don't get me started on all the accents ;) Oh and another amazing thing-my Australian phone is a smart phone...aka I HAVE ACCESS TO SNAPCHAT WITHOUT NEEDING WIFI!!!! Y'all know I love that snap story lolz.

Sorry I am all over the place...wording things is definitely not my strong suit, so bare with me please! I miss everyone from the states so much it's ridiculous :( hopefully will make lots of friends here in the next few days or weeks or so! Today I'm off to meet some koalas and kangaroos at the Sydney Zoo! How do you close out a blog? I've been debating tacky 'Until next time!' and 'Update ya soon!' but no, lame. Okay bye miss and love y'all!

These pictures are from the Darling Harbour and the hotel I work at is on the left called ibis hotel!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Post Grad Life

I still can't believe we graduated. Post grad life, or post Dayton life I should say has been tough. I think of my amazing memories of UD and wish more than anything I could return to my home sweet home in August for another incredible year. Unfortunately, it's time to 'grow up' and take part in the 'real world'. Quite frankly I'm not ready for all that responsibility yet, and I'm still curious about the world. Ever since Semester At Sea, I've wanted to explore and travel anywhere and everywhere. Well, I set my mind on Australia and I'm going to make it happen. My goal is to leave just as their summer season is beginning in October/November. As one of my favorite pins on pinterest says, "travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering into the unknown". How terrifying/thrilling it will be to move to a strange place where I won't know a single soul for an entire year! Cheers to adventure!